This is the complete list of members for RHMesh, including all inherited members.
_driver | RHDatagram | protected |
_isa_router | RHRouter | protected |
_lastE2ESequenceNumber | RHRouter | protected |
_max_hops | RHRouter | protected |
_thisAddress | RHDatagram | protected |
acknowledge(uint8_t id, uint8_t from) | RHReliableDatagram | protected |
addRouteTo(uint8_t dest, uint8_t next_hop, uint8_t state=Valid) | RHRouter | |
available() | RHDatagram | |
clearRoutingTable() | RHRouter | |
deleteRoute(uint8_t index) | RHRouter | protected |
deleteRouteTo(uint8_t dest) | RHRouter | |
Discovering enum value | RHRouter | |
doArp(uint8_t address) | RHMesh | protectedvirtual |
getNextValidRoutingTableEntry(RoutingTableEntry *RTE_p, int *lastIndex_p) | RHRouter | |
getRouteTo(uint8_t dest) | RHRouter | |
haveNewMessage() | RHReliableDatagram | protected |
headerFlags() | RHDatagram | |
headerFrom() | RHDatagram | |
headerId() | RHDatagram | |
headerTo() | RHDatagram | |
init() | RHRouter | |
Invalid enum value | RHRouter | |
isPhysicalAddress(uint8_t *address, uint8_t addresslen) | RHMesh | protectedvirtual |
peekAtMessage(RoutedMessage *message, uint8_t messageLen) | RHMesh | protectedvirtual |
printRoutingTable() | RHRouter | |
recvfrom(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *len, uint8_t *from=NULL, uint8_t *to=NULL, uint8_t *id=NULL, uint8_t *flags=NULL) | RHDatagram | |
recvfromAck(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *len, uint8_t *source=NULL, uint8_t *dest=NULL, uint8_t *id=NULL, uint8_t *flags=NULL, uint8_t *hops=NULL) | RHMesh | |
RHReliableDatagram::recvfromAck(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *len, uint8_t *from=NULL, uint8_t *to=NULL, uint8_t *id=NULL, uint8_t *flags=NULL) | RHReliableDatagram | |
recvfromAckTimeout(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *len, uint16_t timeout, uint8_t *source=NULL, uint8_t *dest=NULL, uint8_t *id=NULL, uint8_t *flags=NULL, uint8_t *hops=NULL) | RHMesh | |
RHReliableDatagram::recvfromAckTimeout(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *len, uint16_t timeout, uint8_t *from=NULL, uint8_t *to=NULL, uint8_t *id=NULL, uint8_t *flags=NULL) | RHReliableDatagram | |
resetRetransmissions() | RHReliableDatagram | |
retireOldestRoute() | RHRouter | |
retransmissions() | RHReliableDatagram | |
retries() | RHReliableDatagram | |
RHDatagram(RHGenericDriver &driver, uint8_t thisAddress=0) | RHDatagram | |
RHMesh(RHGenericDriver &driver, uint8_t thisAddress=0) | RHMesh | |
RHReliableDatagram(RHGenericDriver &driver, uint8_t thisAddress=0) | RHReliableDatagram | |
RHRouter(RHGenericDriver &driver, uint8_t thisAddress=0) | RHRouter | |
route(RoutedMessage *message, uint8_t messageLen) | RHMesh | protectedvirtual |
RouteState enum name | RHRouter | |
sendto(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len, uint8_t address) | RHDatagram | |
sendtoFromSourceWait(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len, uint8_t dest, uint8_t source, uint8_t flags=0) | RHRouter | |
sendtoWait(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len, uint8_t dest, uint8_t flags=0) | RHMesh | |
RHReliableDatagram::sendtoWait(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len, uint8_t address) | RHReliableDatagram | |
setHeaderFlags(uint8_t set, uint8_t clear=RH_FLAGS_NONE) | RHDatagram | |
setHeaderFrom(uint8_t from) | RHDatagram | |
setHeaderId(uint8_t id) | RHDatagram | |
setHeaderTo(uint8_t to) | RHDatagram | |
setIsaRouter(bool isa_router) | RHRouter | |
setMaxHops(uint8_t max_hops) | RHRouter | |
setRetries(uint8_t retries) | RHReliableDatagram | |
setThisAddress(uint8_t thisAddress) | RHDatagram | |
setTimeout(uint16_t timeout) | RHReliableDatagram | |
thisAddress() | RHDatagram | |
Valid enum value | RHRouter | |
waitAvailable(uint16_t polldelay=0) | RHDatagram | |
waitAvailableTimeout(uint16_t timeout, uint16_t polldelay=0) | RHDatagram | |
waitPacketSent() | RHDatagram | |
waitPacketSent(uint16_t timeout) | RHDatagram |