Here is a list of all documented enums with links to the class documentation for each member:
- BaudRate : RH_E32
- BitOrder : RHGenericSPI
- CRCPolynomial : RH_RF22, RH_RF24
- DataMode : RHGenericSPI
- DataRate : RH_E32, RH_NRF24, RH_NRF51
- Frequency : RHGenericSPI
- ModemConfigChoice : RH_CC110, RH_MRF89, RH_RF22, RH_RF24, RH_RF69, RH_RF95, RH_SX126x
- OperatingMode : RH_E32
- PacketType : RH_SX126x
- Parity : RH_E32
- PowerLevel : RH_E32
- RadioPinConfigMode : RH_SX126x
- RHMode : RHGenericDriver
- RouteState : RHRouter
- RxState : RH_Serial
- TransmitPower : RH_CC110, RH_NRF24, RH_NRF51, RH_NRF905