This is the complete list of members for RH_SX126x, including all inherited members.
_cad | RHGenericDriver | protected |
_cad_timeout | RHGenericDriver | protected |
_lastRssi | RHGenericDriver | protected |
_mode | RHGenericDriver | protected |
_promiscuous | RHGenericDriver | protected |
_rxBad | RHGenericDriver | protected |
_rxGood | RHGenericDriver | protected |
_rxHeaderFlags | RHGenericDriver | protected |
_rxHeaderFrom | RHGenericDriver | protected |
_rxHeaderId | RHGenericDriver | protected |
_rxHeaderTo | RHGenericDriver | protected |
_slaveSelectPin | RHSPIDriver | protected |
_spi | RHSPIDriver | protected |
_thisAddress | RHGenericDriver | protected |
_txGood | RHGenericDriver | protected |
_txHeaderFlags | RHGenericDriver | protected |
_txHeaderFrom | RHGenericDriver | protected |
_txHeaderId | RHGenericDriver | protected |
_txHeaderTo | RHGenericDriver | protected |
available() | RH_SX126x | virtual |
beginTransaction() | RHSPIDriver | protectedvirtual |
calibrate(uint8_t calib_param) | RH_SX126x | protected |
calibrateImage(uint8_t f1, uint8_t f2) | RH_SX126x | protected |
clearDeviceErrors() | RH_SX126x | protected |
clearIflag() | RH_SX126x | inline |
clearIrqStatus(uint16_t mask) | RH_SX126x | protected |
clearLastIrq() | RH_SX126x | inline |
clearRxBuf() | RH_SX126x | protected |
deselectSlave() (defined in RHSPIDriver) | RHSPIDriver | protectedvirtual |
enableCrcErrorIrq(bool enable) | RH_SX126x | |
enableRawMode(bool enable) | RH_SX126x | |
endTransaction() | RHSPIDriver | protectedvirtual |
findRadioPinConfigEntry(RadioPinConfigMode mode) | RH_SX126x | protectedvirtual |
fixPAClamping(bool enable) | RH_SX126x | protected |
getCommand(uint8_t command, uint8_t data[], uint8_t len) | RH_SX126x | protected |
getFrequencyError() | RH_SX126x | |
getIflag() | RH_SX126x | inline |
getIrqStatus() | RH_SX126x | protected |
getPacketType() | RH_SX126x | protected |
getStatus() | RH_SX126x | |
handleInterrupt() | RH_SX126x | protected |
headerFlags() | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
headerFrom() | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
headerId() | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
headerTo() | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
init() | RH_SX126x | virtual |
isChannelActive() | RH_SX126x | virtual |
lastIrq() | RH_SX126x | inline |
lastRssi() | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
lastSNR() | RH_SX126x | |
LoRa_Bw125Cr45Sf128 enum value | RH_SX126x | |
LoRa_Bw125Cr45Sf2048 enum value | RH_SX126x | |
LoRa_Bw125Cr48Sf4096 enum value | RH_SX126x | |
LoRa_Bw31_25Cr48Sf512 enum value | RH_SX126x | |
LoRa_Bw500Cr45Sf128 enum value | RH_SX126x | |
maxMessageLength() | RH_SX126x | virtual |
mode() | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
ModemConfigChoice enum name | RH_SX126x | |
modeWillChange(RHMode) | RH_SX126x | inlineprotectedvirtual |
PacketType enum name | RH_SX126x | |
PacketTypeGFSK enum value | RH_SX126x | |
PacketTypeLoRa enum value | RH_SX126x | |
printBuffer(const char *prompt, const uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len) | RHGenericDriver | static |
printRegisters(uint16_t address, uint8_t count) | RH_SX126x | |
RadioPinConfigMode enum name | RH_SX126x | |
RadioPinConfigMode_EOT enum value (defined in RH_SX126x) | RH_SX126x | |
RadioPinConfigMode_IDLE enum value (defined in RH_SX126x) | RH_SX126x | |
RadioPinConfigMode_RX enum value (defined in RH_SX126x) | RH_SX126x | |
RadioPinConfigMode_TX_HIGH_POWER enum value (defined in RH_SX126x) | RH_SX126x | |
RadioPinConfigMode_TX_LOW_POWER enum value (defined in RH_SX126x) | RH_SX126x | |
readBuffer(uint8_t offset, uint8_t data[], uint8_t len) | RH_SX126x | protected |
readRegister(uint16_t address) | RH_SX126x | protected |
readRegisters(uint16_t address, uint8_t data[], uint8_t len) | RH_SX126x | protected |
recv(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *len) | RH_SX126x | virtual |
RH_SX126x(uint8_t slaveSelectPin=SS, uint8_t interruptPin=2, uint8_t busyPin=RH_INVALID_PIN, uint8_t resetPin=RH_INVALID_PIN, RHGenericSPI &spi=hardware_spi, RadioPinConfig *radioPinConfig=NULL) | RH_SX126x | |
RHGenericDriver() | RHGenericDriver | |
RHMode enum name | RHGenericDriver | |
RHModeCad enum value | RHGenericDriver | |
RHModeIdle enum value | RHGenericDriver | |
RHModeInitialising enum value | RHGenericDriver | |
RHModeRx enum value | RHGenericDriver | |
RHModeSleep enum value | RHGenericDriver | |
RHModeTx enum value | RHGenericDriver | |
RHSPIDriver(uint8_t slaveSelectPin=SS, RHGenericSPI &spi=hardware_spi) | RHSPIDriver | |
rxBad() | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
rxGood() | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
selectSlave() (defined in RHSPIDriver) | RHSPIDriver | protectedvirtual |
send(const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len) | RH_SX126x | virtual |
sendCommand(uint8_t command, uint8_t data[], uint8_t len) | RH_SX126x | protected |
sendCommand(uint8_t command, uint8_t value) | RH_SX126x | protected |
sendCommand(uint8_t command) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setBufferBaseAddress(uint8_t txbase, uint8_t rxbase) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setCad() | RH_SX126x | protected |
setCADTimeout(unsigned long cad_timeout) | RHGenericDriver | |
setDIO2AsRfSwitchCtrl(bool value) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setDIO3AsTcxoCtrl(uint8_t voltage, uint32_t delay) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setDioIrqParams(uint16_t irqmask, uint16_t dio1mask, uint16_t dio2mask, uint16_t dio3mask) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setFrequency(float centre, bool calibrate=true) | RH_SX126x | |
setHeaderFlags(uint8_t set, uint8_t clear=RH_FLAGS_APPLICATION_SPECIFIC) | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
setHeaderFrom(uint8_t from) | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
setHeaderId(uint8_t id) | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
setHeaderTo(uint8_t to) | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
setInvertIQ(bool invertIQ) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setLoRaSyncWord(uint16_t sync) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setMode(RHMode mode) | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
setModeIdle() | RH_SX126x | |
setModemConfig(ModemConfigChoice index) | RH_SX126x | |
setModemRegisters(const ModemConfig *config) | RH_SX126x | |
setModeRx() | RH_SX126x | |
setModeTx() | RH_SX126x | |
setModulationParameters(uint8_t p1, uint8_t p2, uint8_t p3, uint8_t p4, uint8_t p5, uint8_t p6, uint8_t p7, uint8_t p8) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setModulationParametersGFSK(uint32_t br, uint8_t sh, uint8_t rxBw, uint32_t freqDev) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setModulationParametersLoRa(uint8_t sf, float bw, uint8_t cr, bool ldro) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setOCPConfiguration(uint8_t setting) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setPacketParametersLoRa(uint8_t payload_length) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setPacketParams(uint8_t p1, uint8_t p2, uint8_t p3, uint8_t p4, uint8_t p5, uint8_t p6, uint8_t p7, uint8_t p8, uint8_t p9) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setPaConfig(uint8_t paDutyCycle, uint8_t hpMax, uint8_t deviceSel, uint8_t paLut) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setPreambleLength(uint16_t bytes) | RH_SX126x | |
setPromiscuous(bool promiscuous) | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
setRadioPinConfig(RadioPinConfig *config) (defined in RH_SX126x) | RH_SX126x | |
setRadioPinsForMode(RadioPinConfigMode mode) | RH_SX126x | protectedvirtual |
setRegulatorMode(uint8_t mode) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setRx(uint32_t timeout) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setRxBoostMode(bool boost, bool retain) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setRxFallbackMode(uint8_t mode) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setSlaveSelectPin(uint8_t slaveSelectPin) | RHSPIDriver | |
setSleep(uint8_t config) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setStandby(uint8_t config) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setTCXO(float voltage, uint32_t delay) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setThisAddress(uint8_t thisAddress) | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
setTx(uint32_t timeout) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setTxContinuous() | RH_SX126x | |
setTxParams(uint8_t power, uint8_t rampTime) | RH_SX126x | protected |
setTxPower(int8_t power) | RH_SX126x | virtual |
setupInterruptHandler() | RH_SX126x | protectedvirtual |
sleep() | RH_SX126x | virtual |
spiBurstRead(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *dest, uint8_t len) | RHSPIDriver | |
spiBurstWrite(uint8_t reg, const uint8_t *src, uint8_t len) | RHSPIDriver | |
spiRead(uint8_t reg) | RHSPIDriver | |
spiUsingInterrupt(uint8_t interruptNumber) | RHSPIDriver | |
spiWrite(uint8_t reg, uint8_t val) | RHSPIDriver | |
txGood() | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
validateRxBuf() | RH_SX126x | protected |
waitAvailable(uint16_t polldelay=0) | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
waitAvailableTimeout(uint16_t timeout, uint16_t polldelay=0) | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
waitCAD() | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
waitPacketSent() | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
waitPacketSent(uint16_t timeout) | RHGenericDriver | virtual |
waitUntilNotBusy() | RH_SX126x | protectedvirtual |
writeBuffer(uint8_t offset, const uint8_t data[], uint8_t len) | RH_SX126x | protected |
writeBuffer(uint8_t offset, const char *text) | RH_SX126x | protected |
writeRegister(uint16_t address, uint8_t data) | RH_SX126x | protected |
writeRegisters(uint16_t address, uint8_t data[], uint8_t len) | RH_SX126x | protected |
~RHGenericDriver() | RHGenericDriver | inlinevirtual |