
Example sketch implements a bidirectional serial modem with the RF22ReliableDatagram class. It is designed to work with another instance of rf22_serial_modem. Pairs of arduino+radio running this program translate input Serial port data to radio and send it to the other side where the data is sent out on its serial port. So it acts like a transparent serial cable over radio. Pairs of radios share the same ADDRESS, and therefore you can have up to 256 such pairs sharing the same airspace. In the event of radio communications failure, it fails silently.

// rf22_serial_modem.pde
// -*- mode: C++ -*-
// Example sketch implements a bidirectional serial modem
// with the RF22ReliableDatagram class.
// It is designed to work with another instance of rf22_serial_modem.
// Pairs of arduino+radio running this program translate input Serial port data to
// radio and send it to the other side where the data is sent out on its serial port.
// So it acts like a transparent serial cable over radio.
// Pairs of radios share the same ADDRESS, and therefore you can have up to 256 such
// pairs sharing the same airspace.
// In the event of radio communications failure, it fails silently.
#include <RF22ReliableDatagram.h>
#include <RF22.h>
#include <SPI.h>
// This is one end of a peer-to-peer link, the pair is uniquely identified by the ADDRESS
// Both ends must have the same ADDRESS. Pairs with a different ADDRESSs can share the same airspace
// without incorrect delivery.
// It would be nice to be able to change this (and perhaps other things) using the serial port
// and a command set something like an AT modem?
#define ADDRESS 1
// Singleton instance of the radio
RF22ReliableDatagram rf22(ADDRESS);
void setup()
if (!rf22.init())
Serial.println("RF22 init failed");
// Defaults after init are 434.0MHz, 0.05MHz AFC pull-in, modulation FSK_Rb2_4Fd36
uint8_t buf[RF22_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN]; // For both send and receive
uint8_t len; // How many bytes in buf
void loop()
// Look for any data to be sent. Collect as much
// as possible and send it in one message
// Caution, the Serial port buffer is only 64 octets, so dont blast the data
// at the arduino too fast.
if (Serial.available())
len = 0;
int ch;
// Collect as many input chars as possible
while (len < RF22_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN &&
(ch = Serial.read()) != -1)
buf[len++] = ch;
// Send the data to the other end
if (!rf22.sendtoWait(buf, len, ADDRESS))
// Silent failure
// Look for any data from the other end
uint8_t from;
len = sizeof(buf);
if (rf22.recvfromAck(buf, &len, &from))
// Received data from the other end. Expect from to be our ADDRESS
Serial.write(buf, len); // Send out to our serial port